Sunday, November 27, 2011

This is a blog

About mobile digital art.

Because I draw for a living. I also draw for a not-living, like when I'm on the bus or halfway through a unicycle ride and feeling a bit knackered. Robots and spacecraft are very therapeutic.

Inspiration strikes at any time regardless of the location or how bad the view is. Sometimes it'll become a rough sketch, sometimes a painting over a photo, sometimes a full illustration. Sometimes I'll even get old skool and paint over a photo of a pencil sketch of a view of a photo. And all the while I'll be ranting about how much the hardware sucks, or how new the medium is, or how bad an idea it was to try unicycling up a hill. You get the idea.

I'll try to update at least once a week. Maybe more. But we'll see. You know what blogs are like. The plan is for this to be an insight into the mind of a rabidly creative INTJ with a penchant for sci fi and oddness.  Heck I might even draw my dreams. Follow along if you dare.