Monday, December 19, 2011

On the road

I'm sitting here looking at this right now - complete with that crazy blue god ray. Stunning.  Mount Ngaruahoe.

Done on my tpt with sketchbook pro, 3g upload.

Now back to driving, still a few hours to go!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

First android cellphone art

Yeah so I know it's pretty generic,but it's the first one and not even finished OK :p . I gotta say that using a capacitive stylus on the galaxy a plus is a pleasure. I hardly even miss the pressure sensitivity at all. Amazingly it might even be nicer than the stylus on my Lenovo Tablet.

Which begs the question - have I been wrong to insist on pressure sensitivity when buying, or is it that the Lenovo doesn't do it that well? Maybe the galaxy stylus feels so nice just because its completely silent to use.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Dom

And so it begins!
The finished picture you see here is the first digital artwork I ever made, using PS7 and a generic digitiser from a generic electronics store of genericness. At the time I was pretty chuffed, but I'm looking back at it and thinking it's about time for a rework.

The real question is whether the improvement will work on an android tablet. I guess we'll find out soon enough!

The second picture is the beginning of said rework - a photo of a doodle I made at work some time ago that faded badly. So I've started redrawing over the lineart on the tablet to get the shape as you can see. Not sure if this'll be the final design as I kinda want something more dynamically posed, but meh :)
In other news I'm putting together a video review of the Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet for art. Later I'll review the major art apps available.  The biggest problem I'm having right now is a lack of decent video editing apps!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

This is a blog

About mobile digital art.

Because I draw for a living. I also draw for a not-living, like when I'm on the bus or halfway through a unicycle ride and feeling a bit knackered. Robots and spacecraft are very therapeutic.

Inspiration strikes at any time regardless of the location or how bad the view is. Sometimes it'll become a rough sketch, sometimes a painting over a photo, sometimes a full illustration. Sometimes I'll even get old skool and paint over a photo of a pencil sketch of a view of a photo. And all the while I'll be ranting about how much the hardware sucks, or how new the medium is, or how bad an idea it was to try unicycling up a hill. You get the idea.

I'll try to update at least once a week. Maybe more. But we'll see. You know what blogs are like. The plan is for this to be an insight into the mind of a rabidly creative INTJ with a penchant for sci fi and oddness.  Heck I might even draw my dreams. Follow along if you dare.